Friday, March 1, 2013


Took half the gang up to the mobile vet clinic and saved a whole bunch of money.  Caroline received her Rabies shot, Paca and Georgia received Rabies and a yearly booster, while Pepper received a Distemper and Rabies shot.  All that for $52.00!

The mobile unit is awesome for saving money but I'm always fearful of taking a cat up there (Pepper), it is located right beside a major roadway.

Waiting on Valley Vet to confirm Caroline's Heartworm preventive Rx and will have that and tapeworm meds on the way for the whole gang. That will be $85.00, these meds aren't cheap but these are the things that are necessary to raise healthy, happy animals.

 Late last night I discovered blood and urine sprayed on a plastic container outside, the only one that comes to mind is Lil' Man, and he is getting a vet appointment scheduled today or first of the week. (Day is already running into overtime and it is just 7:00 a.m.)

Lil' Man has been losing weight - though I put that off to going outside and exercising, there has been issues with him peeing outside of the box - and put that towards his hatred for Beltania (which is mutual). We will get him in and checked out, this is serious stuff - when there is blood in the urine.


  1. Ended up going with Pet Meds instead of Valley Vet!

  2. Vet office refused their request by fax, but I now have a paper copy of that Rx.


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