Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

New & Improved Pet Room!

Since we moved into the 'Doll House', the flow in the pet's room has been lacking good energy + Georgia has been able to sneak in to clean up the cat's food dishes. Which has been very destructive to an extremely tight food budget. Yesterday was a big day of cleaning items from the fire + household chores + cleaning and rearranging the pet room + getting in a few gemstone photos + accomplishing some kitty cat claw trimmings.

The way the pet room flows now seems to work - we'll see, it isn't only my flow in the room that matters. After securing donated food bags in a kennel and inventorying our supplies I do believe we are set for the rest of this month - which is a huge help. We are trying to raise money for a fence (desperately needed).

Our girls are pretty good - not perfect - after all, dogs are roamers, but the main reason we must have a fence is to keep the neighbor's dog from our yard. He is a Corgi and not trained well at all, rather a nuisance to be honest. So instead of having words with the caretakers of said dog, there is an old saying - "fences build good neighbors", or something like that.

Once a fence is installed and everyone is comfortable with our property lines and I feel as if all is safe - the kitty cats will get to come outside. The residence is too small for them to have to stay cooped up for a long period of time. Here it is all about the animals, a fence is our #1 priority!

Roll around utility cart serves as gate.

Open SaysMe

We Have Feed & Treats!

Locked up the bags of food in the crate\kennel.

Yep, yep!

Each of the hard plastic containers (previous litter), are full to the brim with food. We had just purchased our own staple foodstuff, adding the new to make a good mix that won't cause any dietary upsets.
Have items up on eBay to raise money, have a donation box at our favorite pet store Canines & Felines Marketplace in Greenville, SC. Our goal is by the end of February to have a fence in place, and the kitties get to roll around in the (frozen), dirt.

Our eBay Items 4 Sale

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thank you, Thanks, THANX to Everyone!!!

Debbie of the Community Pet Project and I have been playing telephone tag for the past several days and finally 'hooked up' (so to say), I stopped by her home this evening on my way home and boy o' boy did she load us up with all kinds of goodies. We received a couple of really nice cat beds, food, treats, blankets, disposable dishes (excellent for transporting), and some toothbrushes!!! (Please check out the pictures below)

Everything is appreciated and will be put to good use, but let me tell you the toothbrushes are the real treasure for me. Had purchased the toothbrush kit ($14.00), for the animals as a holiday gift and haven't seen it since the fire - haven't a clue as to what happened to it. So heck yes, can get everyone back on schedule with getting rid of plaque and stopping it from forming in the first place.

All 9 animals took to having their teeth brushed within the first attempt and have 
made this chore - not so bad.

Dennis of Canines & Felines Marketplace in Greenville, SC donated some of the animals' staple diet foodstuff - the honest kitchen, along with some Kosher Beef in a can for dogs, and a whole box of Taste of the Wild samples that the crew around here absolutely love. A couple of weeks ago Dennis donated some Stella & Chewy's, and the honest kitchen Perfect Form & Goat's Milk (which was Johnny-on-the-spot when a virus hit the rescue). Dennis has always helped out our rescue - wouldn't be able to do what we do for the animals if it wasn't for him - greatly appreciate Dennis!

Elisa wrote an article about our plight and we received a box of blankets from Chris in Texas - greatly appreciated - been using them everyday!

Dana in Chicago donated $$ to help get Paca to the vet for a bad dew claw before the fire and deserves a fair mention here.

 Thank you everyone, the animals had a blast checking everything out - like little kids - "what did we get", as they look up at me with big bright eyes - thank you everyone for giving me that. The crew has played hard on investigating their treasures and are all laying down on the new blankets and new beds - happy and content.

Mewen says "we gots stuff".


Mewen looking over some donations from Dennis of Canines & Felines Marketplace in Greenville, SC.

Phoebe Peppercorn checking out a bed donated to us by Debbie of the Community Pet Project in Simpsonville, SC

Adorable checking the comfort level - it passed!

Items donated by Debbie of the Community Pet  Project

Phoebe (background), was first on the scene checking everything out.

A big Thank You to Canines & Felines Marketplace!

Kosher Beef in a can from Chicago - the dogs LOVE it!