Organic Catnip Herb

When was catnip discovered?
Catnip has been used in herbal remedies on humans since at least the 15th century. In fact, catnip tea was the most commonly consumed herbal beverage in Europe prior to the importation of teas from the orient.

Is catnip safe for my cat?
A chemical compound called nepetalactone, the primary constituent in the essential oil of catnip, induces a harmless physiological reaction in some cats.

How will my cat respond to catnip?
The physiological reactions in some cats...have been studied extensively, and have been found to induce a psycho sexual response in both male and female cats. One might say that catnip has an aphrodisiac effect." Wondering what kind of cat behavior you will see? Your cat may have any or all of the following catnip effects:

  •   meow and roll in the catnip
  •   rub their cheeks against the spot where catnip has been sprinkled
  •   get into silly positions such as on their back with paws extended, gazing up at the ceiling
  •   run around the room like a kitten playing with its invisible friend
  •   settle into a dreamy, sleepy silly pose and not move for awhile.

Cats can be very possessive of their catnip or their catnip toys, and some cats have been aggressive after use. If your cat does become aggressive with catnip use, stop using catnip and consider trying an alternative such as Honeysuckle or Valerian toys.

Why didn't my kitten/cat respond to the catnip?
The response to catnip is an inherited autosomal dominant trait -- in other words, it is genetic and your kitten or cat must have inherited the appropriate genes.

Interesting Catnip Fact: Cats which have a genome originating in geographical areas where catnip is not indigenous, like Southeast Asia, typically do not respond to catnip.
Not only must your kitten or cat have inherited the right genes, they must be old enough to respond to catnip's lure. Approximately 15% of all cats do not respond to catnip. Kittens are not drawn to, nor do they partake of the herb until they are many months old and vary between cats which will actually respond to the herb or not.

How much catnip should I give at a time?
A couple of pinches directly on the floor or ground (you many lay paper or such), no activation is needed if the catnip quality is good. Look for catnip leaves and flowers that have been finely ground, or quickly inspect your catnip, looking for and removing any long or hard stalk pieces.

How should I store catnip?
All essential oil bearing herbs will lose their potency over time. The primary reason for this is that nepetalactone is UV photosensitive. Storing catnip in the freezer will maximize its freshness. We suggest as an alternative to the freezer if that is not convenient for you, using a container such as a resealable tin or a solid bit of crockery, to keep out the UV rays. Keep the tin or ceramic pot in a cool, dry place. We do not recommend using a clear glass treat container since this will not block UV rays.

Can catnip go stale?
Yes and No!

On the Yes side:
Nepetalactone, contained within the essential oil of catnip, is UV sensitive. So over time, with exposure to light, it can lose some potency. See the tips above for how best to store your catnip.

On the No side:
Cats respond to catnip in concentrations approaching 1 part per billion. So it does not take much! 

What is organic catnip?
Organic catnip is catnip grown under controlled conditions without the use of pesticides.

Organic also means that it is not part of  the controversial Genetic Modified Organisms of Monsanto, it is a true product of nature.

Why is certified organic better?
"Catnip is extremely common in the wild throughout the Eastern USA, Midwest and into Washington State. There are millions of plants within this ecosystem. Catnip prefers to grow in dry, semi arid places, and can be found along hedge rows and fence lines. Also catnip is abundant along railway lines and within abandoned waste places, like old buildings, and dump sites.

Waste places and railway lines are NO place to collect material for ingestion. Creosote is commonly used to weather treat railway ties, and leach-ate from the ties will appear in any biomass growing along the line.
If a catnip product is acquired from an unknown source, or is not certified organic, it MAY contain pesticides or other plant material which is not catnip.

What are catnip buds?
The buds are the flowering portion, the blossoms; of the catnip plant is the most potent part of the catnip plant. This is the caviar of catnip products!

What is catnip oil?
Catnip oil is the essential oil of the catnip plant, produced within specialized glandular hairs located on the upper epidermis of the plant.

Why give my cat catnip?

  •  catnip can be used to treat your cat, encouraging a normally placid cat to change behavior and unleash its silly side it may relax your cat 
  •  it can be used to train your cat -- placing a freshly catnip scented scratching post near a favorite couch corner may help your couch survive
  •  it may encourage your cat to exercise -- by getting your cat to play with a favorite catnip toy. 

    Organic Catnip For Sale
