The past two weekends we have been set up to sell our wares trying to raise $ moolah for this rescue. Today it was most needed in order to feed the troupe.
Mission accomplished : )
Last Saturday we set up booth at the Midway Festival, unfortunately we were rained out within an hour with only one $2.00 sale to line our wallet.
Jewelry, note cards, catgrass, and focal gemstone beads. |
Another view of the table with some Onyx-carved Kitties and Felted Critters |
Catgrass & Flax Seeds, Organic Catnip, DeVa, & Diatomaceous Earth |
Our table at Midway Festival |
All set up! |
Then on Sunday May 3rd we set up at the corner of Limerick @ Hwy 17 and sold most all of our plants, some Diatomaceous Earth and met some interesting people. Main thing is that we made enough capital to purchase some chicken for the dogs and tuna for the cats. Left with IGA & Dollar General choices, it really wasn't rocket science to figure we were better with human grade food.
**Most every bag of carnivore food in those stores starts with ground yellow corn - 1. our charges are carnivores, 2. even if our charges were herbivores the feeding of yellow corn is seriously wrong. Carnivores need meat with a slight side of veggies. If you are trying to feed your carnivores a more correct diet by means of their natural 'wild' menu basically the only vegetable matter these carnivores would normally partake of was in the stomachs of the animal they were dinning upon - think about it.**
***Corn should be fed to humans and animals as a desert, not a side dish or definitely not a main course. Corn causes the consumer to 'heat-up', due to its high content of sugar. Most of the corn found in our grocery stores come from Monsanto stock and that is Genetically Modified Organisms - not cool, not cool at all.***
Our table at the corner of Limerick & Hwy 17 |
Organic Heirloom Beefsteak Tomatoes |
SMR 58 Cucumber |
May they continue to grow for new caretaker! |
Several people showed an interest in Paca (from her photos), she is a darn good looking Bulldog if I do say so myself. (maybe just a bit bias). Today we put in 2 hours in the hot Georgia Sun to earn $30.00 and that took care of immediate needs and now have enough food to last till later on in the week. Hopefully something else will turn up an opportunity for us to make a little more cash. We don't give up, we just bow our heads and thank the heavens above for all that we have and in our faith more always presents itself to us.
We are blessed to have amazing people backing our efforts - thank you (if you are one of them present/past/or future).
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