Cats and dogs instinctively chew & eat grass to obtain vitamins, minerals and live enzymes provided by fresh, raw, whole foods. Unlike their undomesticated counterparts/relatives, pets typically do not have access to a ready supply of healthy greens.
If your pets are indoor-only pets, Organic CatGrass gives them these vital nutrients they would otherwise miss, and may also prevent them from eating your houseplants.
Dogs and cats that go outdoors will eat grass, but it has little or if any nutritional value. Your yard may also have been treated with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which could be harmful to your pets. Offering them Organic CatGrass is a safer, healthy alternative.
Organic CatGrass may improve bad breath due to the high chlorophyll content found in wheat-grass. Organic CatGrass aids in digestion and hairball control.
Both dogs and cats are fed high protein diets. Adding greens to their diets helps to balance the nutrients your cat and dog need for good health. Organic CatGrass is certified organic wheat-grass seeds, provided in GreenWare, a plant based (bio-base), container with organic Miracle-Gro Potting Soil.
Cats can be finicky. So if at first your cat does not take to the Organic CatGrass, try spritzing it with water. In licking the water cats will often discover the grass and realize it is a treat. If your pet does not like the Organic CatGrass but you would like them to benefit from its nutritional properties, try chopping it up and adding it to their food.
Wheatgrass Benefits:
Nutrient Profile:
• Natural Source of Chlorophyll
• Aids in Digestion
• RDA of Green Foods
• Natural Detoxifier
• Anti Inflammatory
• Improves Liver Functions
• Stimulates Metabolism
• Eliminates Bacterial Growth
• Increases Energy Levels
• Increase Red Blood Cell Counts
• Renews and Builds Blood
• Produces Vitamin A
• Deodorizes Body
• Strengthens Immune System
• Aids in Digestion
• RDA of Green Foods
• Natural Detoxifier
• Anti Inflammatory
• Improves Liver Functions
• Stimulates Metabolism
• Eliminates Bacterial Growth
• Increases Energy Levels
• Increase Red Blood Cell Counts
• Renews and Builds Blood
• Produces Vitamin A
• Deodorizes Body
• Strengthens Immune System
Nutrient Profile:
Amounts Based on Suggested Daily Consumption of 10.3 grams (3 Servings)
Protein 2.5g Carbohydrates 4.6g
Chlorophyll 54mg Crude Fiber 2.4g
Biotin 11mcg Calcium 14mg
Choline 16mg Cobalt 5mcg
Cobalamin (B12) .16mcg Copper 51mcg
Folic Acid (B8) 105mcg Iodine 21mcg
Lutein 3mg Iron 2mg
Lycopene 89mcg Magnesium 11mg
Niacin (B3) 744mcg Manganese 1.1mg
Pantothenic Acid (B5) 106mcg Phosphorus 43mg
Pyridoxine (B6) 119mcg Potassium 300mg
Ribovlavin (B2) 783mcg Selenium 10mcg
Thiamin (B1) 34mcg Sodium 2mg
Vitamin A (Betacarotine) 4920 IU Sulfur 34mg
Vitamin C 24mg Zinc 182mcg
Vitamin E 954mcg Zeaxanthin 814mcg
Vitamin K 102mcg
Chlorophyll is very similar to the structure of hemoglobin which is why chlorophyll is considered the blood of plants.
The main benefits of chlorophyll are broken out into 3 sections:
1. Purification: chlorophyll stops bacterial growth in wounds and fungi in the digestive tract. Deodorizes: eliminates bad breath and body odor. Removes drug deposits and counteracts all toxins, deactivates many carcinogens. Halts tooth decay.
2. Anti Inflammation: chlorophyll counteracts the following inflammations: sore throat, pyorrhea, gingivitis, stomach and intestinal inflammation, ulcers, skin inflammations, arthritis, and pancreatitis.
3. Renewal: chlorophyll builds blood, renews tissue, counteracts radiation, promotes healthful intestinal flora, improves liver function, and activates enzymes to produce vitamins A, E, and K.
Wheatgrass contains enzymes which digest the toxins. The toxins accumulated are from foods which are unable to rid or digest themselves. Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and P4D1 are part of the digestive enzyme that play vital roles in slowing the cell deterioration process thus slowing the aging process. P4D1 also serves as an anti-inflammatory.
Wheatgrass contains about 20% protein; which is similar to the composition of most meats. However the amino acid / protein profile is quite different.
Vitamin A
The chlorophyll in wheatgrass activates enzymes that produce vitamins E and K and help convert carotene into vitamin A. The green source of carotene converts more than twice as much of their carotene into vitamin A.