scared,,, and he he is HIDDEN IN THE BACK ROOM HE IS SO DEPRESSED his owner
left him ,, please help !! !!

id# 1996 "Poor Shadow" $125 sponsor Adorable pittie mix__male__HE SHAKES
ALL OVER,,, he is so scared,,, and he he is HIDDEN IN THE BACK ROOM HE IS SO
DEPRESSED his owner left him ,, please help !!
a "least chance" dog thanks to local ordinance,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2043 "Rose" CRUELTY CASE $100 sponsor Adorable bulldog / pittie mix__
female___ being held for "evidence",,,, SKIN AND BONES,,,,, this girl
breaks my heart -- a "least chance" dog thanks to local ordinance,,, NOT FAIR
:*( !!

id# 2060 "Alvin" $125 sponsor afraid of kitty cats - how cute !!
BEAUTIFUL BLUE pittie mix__ male__this darling is JUST as deserving as any cute
fluffy white dog,, to get out of here !! a "least chance" dog thanks to
local ordinance,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2087 "Milo" $125 sponsor ALREADY NEUTERED BEAUTIFUL Boxer /
bulldog mix__ male__DUMPED TO DIE FOR THE HOLIDAYS,,,, PLEASE don't let them
kill him for the New Year!!
id# 2104 "Mushy" aka Mufasa $100 sponsor Adorable bulldog / pittie
mix__male___his ROTTEN owner dumped him for the holidays,,,,,,,happy, wiggley boy
but he is so scared here,,,, for Good reason,,, a "least chance" dog
thanks to local ordinance,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2123 "Bam-Bam" $125 sponsor BEAUTIFUL bulldog mix__ male__DUMPED TO
DIE for the holidays,,, please don't let him die in this New Year !!
id# 2138 "Rollo" Adorable bulldog mix__male___ dumped on the streets to
fend for himself,,,,,,,happy, wiggley boy but he is so scared here,,,, for
Good reason,,, a "least chance" dog,,,,, only because of people's
ignorance,,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2141 "Romeo"$100 sponsor SO BEAUTIFUL sweet sad Lab / boxer mix__
HE CRIES as you walk away from him,, heartbroken and dumped for x-mas,,,
please help !! !!
id# 2145 "Dixie"$100 sponsor ALREADY SPAYED BEAUTIFUL dark chocolate
pittie mix__ female__ this sweet heart was dumped for the holidays,,, she
does not like cats,, but she is JUST as deserving as any cute fluffy white
dog,, to get out of here !! a "least chance" dog thanks to local
ordinance,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2157 "Charlie Brown" BEAUTIFUL chocolate pittie mix__male__ locals
called and said the dog bit,,, but there was no proof, no victim and no
report,,, they did it to get rid of him !! a "least chance" dog thanks to
local ordinance,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2158 "Angel" $100 sponsor Black lab mix__female__this sweet heart was
dumped out on the road to fend for herself for the holidays,,, a "least
chance" because she is "basic black",,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2163 "Twinkle" Labrador mix__female__PUPPY - about 6-7 months old
,,,owners said she bit,, but probably puppy teething,, she's a sweet heart
here,,, please save!!
id# 2164 "Snoopy" older Border collie mix__male__this sweet heart was
surrendered and they claim it's not their dog,,,please help this GENTLE
,darling soul !!
id# 2135 "Jessie" Border collie mix__male___LOOK AT THIS FACE,,, how can
you not fall in Love ?! Adorable little dog !! Please save !!
id# 2165 "Miracle" CRUELTY CASE Adorable bulldog / pittie mix__ female___
thank God she was taken from owner,,,,,, this girl breaks my heart -- she
has been seen by a vet ,,,,,a "least chance" dog thanks to local
ordinance,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2171 "Happy" double dew claws BEAUTIFUL Bulldog / pittie mix__
male__ this sweet heart was dumped JUST as deserving as any cute fluffy white
dog,, to get out of here !! a "least chance" dog thanks to local
ordinance,,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# 2179"Boss"(please save him + change that awful name) Black lab
mix__male__YOUNG -- just a puppy still !! this sweet heart was dumped because
they were MOVING,,,,,
a "least chance" because he is "basic black",,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
id# ??? "Jake" Black lab mix__male__this sweet heart watches as they
sign his "not mine, you can kill him card",,,, they said he was a stray,, but
then they told someone outside that he liked to chase their cattle so they
got rid of him
a "least chance" because he is "basic black",,, NOT FAIR :*( !!
If you cannot rescue,, please consider offering money to help save a
life,, many times rescues have room,, but can't afford all the expensive
boarding and transport, so usually dogs with sponsor money have a better chance
of leaving alive.
*** REMEMBER*** fostering saves lives too !! if you can open up your heart
and home temporarily to Spare a life from an Unthinkable Death,, plenty of
rescuers will Gladly network so that they can get their forever homes !
You CAN rescue if you're out of state - there ARE volunteers who will
help run them out of the building to safety - there ARE vets and boarding
places nearby ,, there ARE transporters that leave GA every week - you CAN
make arrangements to get them to you !!
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