Thursday, May 29, 2014

Little Blue Bird on my shoulder...

Well they never were on my shoulder but the adults sure were happy to have me outside today as their little ones attempted to flee the nest. One of the babies was between Beltania and Lil' Man and neither way was going to come out good for the baby bird. Lil' Man was on the pounce when I screamed and scared the hell out of him, Belle just backed into the Bamboo. For over an hour I beat Bamboo and threatened cats severe bodily injury if any one of my cats dare touch one of those baby birds hopping all over the place making the most delightful noises (for a cat).

The adults figured out the scene real quick and I've got to hand it to them, they got my attention every time it was needed. Several times I came real close to their babies and not once did they aim their sharp beaks in my direction - they knew - we worked together for a whole hour and both babies are high up in the bamboo, high enough for them to not be feline treats. They got a couple of the cats, the ones that dared move from the cover of the bamboo, Texas is now completely shell shocked about going outside, it didn't help matters that I accused him when it was Belle who was waiting on a chick to come right to her. One of the adult birds got my attention on that one too and I had to go crashing thru the bamboo at high speed to stop her from just snapping that one right up. Came out of the bamboo with the heebie jeebies, that stuff is full of bugs, the underside of the leaves has more aphids than I've ever seen in my life. I'm crawling - thinking about it.

Before all the excitement commenced I had came out of the house to take some pictures of the one baby that was closest to me at that point when a wasp flew right into my face space, like 3" from my nose. My hands were full - all I could do was tilt my head back just a bit and say "no, not now". He flew off and left me alone, I just knew I was stung. Thank goodness, practice not harming nature and when you need it maybe you wont get harmed back - just saying. Enjoy the pictures of the baby Blue Jay.

Monday, May 12, 2014

All Life Matters!

Is more than just a slogan, it is a way of life. When you are in awe of the wonderful things that live with us on this planet it is a special perspective that may seem foolish to some makes a person more interesting in the long run, because - well - they have character and a simple class that can't be divided by digits in a bank account.

This wonderful moth may be enjoying its last sunset, or it may be gearing up for its nightly aerial avoidance of the bats who would surely make a juicy meal of this bug for this is surely the fattest and plumpest I've ever seen a flying insect.

May the Luna Moth be at peace with its world and die a good death, what ever that entails to a moth.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blackwood Dog Food Review

By Phoebe Peppercorn, the cat.

Links, brinks, and dyno kinks

About coded myself to oblivion thus so far today, but had to stay occupied and steadily ignoring of the feline crew who was ever so persistent in letting me know they hadn't been fed yet. I'm sick and tired of them being sick. Can't wait on the stronger strength meds - going to treat today with what I have and the absolutely only way that is going to work is if everybody is so hungry that they don't even notice the coarseness of the Diatomaceous Earth as it is being delivered to the parasite(s) living quite well in their bodies.

We are heading into the third hour past normal feeding time and there has already been one real nasty fight involving three of the cats. The tension in the air is so tight that Nurse Paca came and made a special plea for the feline crew, asking that they please be fed. Had to break poor Paca's heart and tell her "no", they had to wait. I wonder if Paca has Empathy, or if  she just doesn't like the atmosphere the cats create when they are not happy.

Texas just came and pleaded again - I believe the alpha worm is in him, I believe they have a way to communicate to the other worms in other animals. I know they have chemicals or something that effect their host's mental or emotional responses, I know they can make their host so hungry they will kill and eat a whole adult squirrel in one fell swoop. I know because I have witnessed, way too many times - but I have seen how the cats I suspect are infected behave towards each other and know that this isn't their normal behavior. They will actually gang up on a cat that doesn't possess any worms, I swear the worms develop a 'click' within their hosts, and only 'hosted' cats are allowed in.

All of this witnessing and yet this damn legless parasite has amazing mental capabilities and I'm often reminded of a movie I watched about ants and their relationship with aphids and yes the movie was in cartoon form - what can I say - we learn where we learn and how we learn - just so long as we learn.

Have one more html link to install and then I'm showering and getting on with the day - so long as they cats  don't force me into feeding them before hand.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Flora for the dragons

Finished the door today - finally - have to cut the ends of the zip strips but other than that and any extra repairs as Phoebe Peppercorn tests the durability of my work - as always. Such a critic...

It needs some stimuli inside the pen to keep them entertained more. The dog that lives behind us still can scare the peepers out of them and that isn't nice, the dog has been schooled by the dogs here but it doesn't seem to phase the Corgi - none, she barks and barks and barks...

Adorable has given a half-heart effort to break thru and will wait till the human behind the camera isn't watching for his second attempt.
If your dog is a barker then please take the effort needed to train such animal to not be so vocal - all the time over ever single leaf blowing in the wind.

Our refrigerator has been dying for about a month now - last week we transferred all items to the freezer which stopped freezing and just keeps things real cold. Bought a used dorm refrigerator off Craigslist for $40.00, buying another one later on in the week because one isn't enough for the animals and humans.  Can't move a bigger one and not paying a $100.00 a month at the rent to own centers just so they can haul it up here. IIWII and all will be fine, not balking, no need.

Last week the neighbors had cable installed, a subcontractor came out and used a trench digging machine and they didn't wait on the water department to mark water lines and guess who now has a busted water pipe leaking into their front yard - yep - good ole us, by gosh if there is a weak link - it happens around us. Such a catalyst for change, reckon the pipes need replacing.

On Saturday I noticed the puddle had formed in the tall, thick grass and immediately took a reading of the meter, recorded that and the next two over a 24 hour period and the usage was in the hundreds of gallons. I shut off water at the house and the meter was still running, called the water company and they came out and shut it off at the road but left it unlocked so that I could utilize water as needed. Called the company responsible for hiring the subcontractors and have filed a Damage Assessment Report and looks like they will be responsible for replacing at least the section of pipe they caused damage to.

Have many orders for catnip plants and have already started another batch of seeds to try and meet demand plus our own plants for the cats here and the catnip herb we sell. People are loving our Organic Catnip and that makes for a very happy accountant.

Organic Catnip 2 weeks old

Caroline continues to further her education, sometimes on her own, but mostly with me. When she isn't needed immediately for a training exercise she is allowed to just go off somewhere (within sight), and chill. She does just that, she usually will find a sunny spot and 'cook' herself, but today we had been outside a bit more than normal and she found a cool spot in the shade to observe her little section of the world and contemplate whatever dogs contemplate.

Caroline in the shade.
The title of this blog is "Flora for the dragons", and I've only lightly mentioned they need items for the 'Dragon Den'. Have about a pound of my last batch of wheat grass seeds left and willing to run a good sale on them to raise $ for items for their pen. Please share, please purchase - wheat grass seeds are Organic & Human Grade - nothing but the best for our crew dontcha know. The benefits of juicing are numerous, just growing the plant and using for seasoning is a good idea - we feed it to the animals raw, kinda like a buffet, growing it in many containers, in the yard, and sprouting just the seeds and trimming into their food.

The below is to PayPal, a secure and trusted online banking solution, they accept all 
major credit cards, your transaction is protected. 

We will also accept a check by mail - please contact us for mailing address.


Organic Red Wheat Grass Seeds

Monday, May 5, 2014

Digits to Digits

During the course of a day here at the rescue some time has to be devoted to the computer, whether it is designing a website for a client, uploading items to eBay, or catching up on emails. Moved the whole office operation into the front room so the cats could all get closer to me without causing fights. Have several chairs with soft cushions placed next to or in close proximity to mama pooper scooper, the great giver of treats.

On this particular day Mewen must of felt me needing a soft touch - he reached his paw towards my hand and I couldn't resist touching them sweet little pads on his paw, then he did something so cool - he pushed his paw into my fingers. The camera was near so when I asked him to do it again and he did, I took a picture to save that moment forever.

People have always said that I had a special connection with animals, even astrologers concur that it is written in the stars that of an ability with beasts like only a few people would ever know. I just get them, don't understand where the 'magic' is in that, don't understand why so many people seem to think this is different or unique - everyone has the ability to observe and it is through observing animals that I come to know them so well. Maybe it is more so of a respect thing, I respect their right to life, I respect their space, I respect them for who they are and not what I can get out of them or what they can do for me.

Growing up I was labeled as 'different', 'strange', 'weirdo' - that is okay, I did thicken my hide to taunts and ridicules because I didn't want to harm animals, because I didn't want to tease the little crippled boy who lived down the street - because I was kind to butterflies and didn't pull off their wings - but instead cried when others did.

There were people that came to my aid and protected me, that fought off those who tried to cause me pain, because I guess they were like me and didn't like people picking on the underdog. Underdog or top dog, really doesn't matter - just so long as you don't think yourself superior and do treat others with respect we will get along - other than that I don't have any time for you.

Be Kind!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

America is talking up the Royals of England, we do have our own ~ Royalty ~ Princess Paca!!!

Yep, yep didn't you know!! Princess Paca, her main squeeze the Lady Georgia and some incognito Celebrity only known as 'Caroline' have already taken claim to U.S. Royalty and we have the pictures to prove it.

Sometimes you have to put all seriousness away and just let your hair down and go w-i-l-d, I tell ya - wild!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

When Bad Things Happen To Good People

When bad things happen to good people most people just scratch their head saying aloud or to themselves "well that just isn't fair, that isn't right, that isn't how it is suppose to be", well them good people would surely agree - wholeheartedly.

Not trying to throw around any philosophy, nope, but I have to disagree with the whole fairness b.s. This life is not fair and that doesn't have to be a bad thing, it surely isn't for those who the Sun seems to forever shine brightly upon - a bad thing.

It is the author's opinion that bad things happen to good people so them good people can figure out how to make things right again and be an example for others, how better to be able to help someone when you yourself have walked in the same or like shoes.

Even though them good people struggle to make it work out, and try their might to do so solo, without asking for help, those good people sometimes have to pick their head up a little bit higher and lock eyes with someone who can truly help.

So was the case for us here at the rescue. Spring time came with a vengeance as tapeworms set in and took hold. Our natural remedy - the Diatomaceous Earth couldn't combat the level of determination these invasive parasites have hold on the furry ones here. After many hours trying to come up with a way to purchase the expensive drugs needed and countless gray hairs resulting from all the stress a cave-in occurred and help was sought. Thank the heavens it was answered and all animals will be treated this week.

Put together a video of the girls this afternoon showing their appreciation. Enjoy!