Finished the door today - finally - have to cut the ends of the zip strips but other than that and any extra repairs as Phoebe Peppercorn tests the durability of my work - as always. Such a critic...
It needs some stimuli inside the pen to keep them entertained more. The dog that lives behind us still can scare the peepers out of them and that isn't nice, the dog has been schooled by the dogs here but it doesn't seem to phase the Corgi - none, she barks and barks and barks...
Adorable has given a half-heart effort to break thru and will wait till the human behind the camera isn't watching for his second attempt. |
If your dog is a barker then please take the effort needed to train such animal to not be so vocal - all the time over ever single leaf blowing in the wind.
Our refrigerator has been dying for about a month now - last week we transferred all items to the freezer which stopped freezing and just keeps things real cold. Bought a used dorm refrigerator off Craigslist for $40.00, buying another one later on in the week because one isn't enough for the animals and humans. Can't move a bigger one and not paying a $100.00 a month at the rent to own centers just so they can haul it up here. IIWII and all will be fine, not balking, no need.
Last week the neighbors had cable installed, a subcontractor came out and used a trench digging machine and they didn't wait on the water department to mark water lines and guess who now has a busted water pipe leaking into their front yard - yep - good ole us, by gosh if there is a weak link - it happens around us. Such a catalyst for change, reckon the pipes need replacing.
On Saturday I noticed the puddle had formed in the tall, thick grass and immediately took a reading of the meter, recorded that and the next two over a 24 hour period and the usage was in the hundreds of gallons. I shut off water at the house and the meter was still running, called the water company and they came out and shut it off at the road but left it unlocked so that I could utilize water as needed. Called the company responsible for hiring the subcontractors and have filed a Damage Assessment Report and looks like they will be responsible for replacing at least the section of pipe they caused damage to.
Have many orders for catnip plants and have already started another batch of seeds to try and meet demand plus our own plants for the cats here and the catnip herb we sell. People are loving our Organic Catnip and that makes for a very happy accountant.
Organic Catnip 2 weeks old |
Caroline continues to further her education, sometimes on her own, but mostly with me. When she isn't needed immediately for a training exercise she is allowed to just go off somewhere (within sight), and chill. She does just that, she usually will find a sunny spot and 'cook' herself, but today we had been outside a bit more than normal and she found a cool spot in the shade to observe her little section of the world and contemplate whatever dogs contemplate.
Caroline in the shade. |
The title of this blog is "Flora for the dragons", and I've only lightly mentioned they need items for the 'Dragon Den'. Have about a pound of my last batch of wheat grass seeds left and willing to run a good sale on them to raise $ for items for their pen. Please share, please purchase - wheat grass seeds are Organic & Human Grade - nothing but the best for our crew dontcha know. The benefits of juicing are numerous, just growing the plant and using for seasoning is a good idea - we feed it to the animals raw, kinda like a buffet, growing it in many containers, in the yard, and sprouting just the seeds and trimming into their food.
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Organic Red Wheat Grass Seeds |