Sunday, March 30, 2014

Feline Dragon Enclosure

Been working real hard on selling a few items to raise funds for an enclosure for our kitties. A real good friend gave us a generous donation and we thank you greatly for that! Just getting started, have so much more in store, can only do so much at a time and they really, really needed to get some outside time. The fence is too short - have a real good idea working to thwart any jumping over. That will be reveled in Phase II.

Part of Phase I includes straw that we weren't able to locate on a Sunday - have a bale secured for tomorrow and will lay down a fresh layer of straw to keep them from tracking clay into the house. Have thought about changing the straw up for horse quality hay or might get one of each and give them different textures.

Have a 'cave' in there for them temporarily, it will be removed tomorrow - would be a real dandy place for a snake to lay in ambush - oh yeah - still sweating snake issues - upon close inspection of residence there are numerous rodent holes going underneath - where there is food - there are snakes - good rule of thumb - eliminate their food source. Since we believe and hold true to ALL LIFE MATTERS, we will not use poisons or traps. We will discourage naturally and wisely the holding up of any and all snake food sources. The animals are a good deterrent but not enough and more aids will be employed. Probably our most extreme method will shock most people - but we are on the look out for a Banded King Snake to locate to our area.

Our concerns are bonafide that bringing a snake into our neighborhood could endanger the snake. Will make it a top priority to introduce the snake to those who would welcome such a noble creature, and help others to understand it. I would never want to harm any creature, but the rose colored glasses don't get worn around here.

A Banded King Snake will
1). Work on the snake food source issue and
2). Eat any other snakes it finds.

A Banded King Snake of extreme length would be a threat to our charges, but that serpent wouldn't be brought onto these grounds, release of a snake that if by chance did attack one of the animals in our rescue, it would not have a chance of doing lethal damage.

Have worked with Banded King Snakes in the past for natural rodent control. Pick your battles and align your allies, would rather not go to war with a copperhead and just as soon as let another serpent take care of this situation.

(If left to her own accord the founder\head pooper scooper of this rescue would have King Snakes dangling from the trees like sausages to ensure riddance of venomous creatures).

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Recently we let the 'Beltania' website go, monies have been too tight here and nothing extra for maintaining a spot on the World Wide Web. When we can afford another website it will be under the rescue's name and not our business that funds the operation.

As a part of the Adobe Muse subscription there is a slot for one website and all the 30 day websites that can be made. Going to be creating a couple of different ones and see what is the most pleasing on the eye and easy to read.

Have one made up for now: Gargoyles Animal Rescue 

Next week the plan is to get funky with the website and see what all can be accomplished virtually - really looking forward to that.


Friday, March 28, 2014


This page is protected by copyright laws. With the layout we are using you can not see the side bar navigation or widgets in place that clearly states our protection. For the purpose of notification to all parties who may wish to infringe upon the hard work of others without doing the work themselves - bug off dude or dudette and charm your own muse.

This blog and all it's content is protected by law. Whenever we have work from another we clearly state such. We offer no false pretenses, we stand on no other shoulders - our work is bonafide. Registered & Protected 

Destroying your dog's spirit...

By Carol Bryant | 
No and stop it! Get off and sit down! Shut up and stop barking!
If that's all you heard day and day out, just how low would your spirits sink? We know beyond a reasonable doubt that dogs feel sorrow, they get depressed, and the very essence of who they are as a species is threatened by a very common predator: Mankind. Here are seven things that are guaranteed to destroy the spirit of your dog.

Best advice ever: Do none of these, but read on to see how many you hear about, read about, or engage in daily.

Scold/Yell/Rubbing a Dog's Nose in Waste For Relieving Himself In the House: Dogs know we are mad at them when we yell for their "peeing or pooping" in the house is a myth. Finding a puddle of piddle in the house may not be pleasant for humans, but dogs do not feel guilt when humans disapprove. Instead, they are reacting to the emotional response of their owner, regardless of when the accident occurred. Screaming or yelling reinforces bullying and because it is happening long after the accident, the dog is left confused and afraid of you. Never ever "rub a dog's nose" in poo or pee, as this is disgusting, an old school mentality, and just plain mean.

Hitting a Dog: Long gone are the days of dominance and animal submission and this is a very outdated belief and training method. All hitting does is teach the dog is that you are to be feared. If you need something to hit, take up a punching bag at the gym or seek anger management. Do not, however, bring a dog into your life. He or she does not deserve this treatment.

Punish a Dog in a "Kennel" Time Out: If a puppy is not cooperating or not doing the desired behavior during training, it isn't that he is being "spiteful" or defiant: He is just being a puppy and your behavior needs to be modified. Consider the task at hand and reconsider how you are training. Also, it could be the puppy isn't ready for that task or is distracted. The same holds true for adult dogs. If an adult dog does something you are not pleased about, never "punish" or "banish" them to a kennel.

Take Your Dog's Food or Treats Away While Eating: Not only is this ridiculous, but it serves nothing more than to assert what a grand bully you are. Though there is something to be said for having a pack leader, dogs should be left alone when eating. If a dog is kind, accepting of strangers, and loving when not eating, then let good enough alone. Many people view a dog who growls when eating as being greedy, but this is just a dog being a dog. Some dogs will bite out of fear or confusion, so let dogs be dogs and let them eat in peace.

Don't Walk Your Dog or Engage in Quality Time: If you want something that lives yet requires no attention other than to give it water and occasional sunlight, get a houseplant and not a pet. Dogs thrive on companionship, and without mental and physical stimulation, they slowly wither away. Have you ever seen a dog in a shelter who gets little to no interaction and how sad and destroyed his spirit becomes? Do not let this happen to your dog. We are all busy, but our pets rely on us. Walk away from the electronic devices and walk with your dog instead. No matter a dog's age, they need interaction with you.

Let the Dog Alone for Inordinate Amounts of Time: Again, this is time for a houseplant and not a pet. Dogs need companionship: Not just for the emotional connection and to truly thrive but for their physical well being, too. Would you like to hold your pee in for 10 to 12 hours a day? In fact, some dogs will do so as not to upset their owner. Other dogs will pee inside and then the owner gets made upon return. Seek the services of a family member, friend, neighbor, pet sitter, or doggy day care if you must leave the dog for long hours at a time. Nothing destroys a dog's spirit like emptiness, so don't do it.

Allowing a Dog to Suffer: If an animal is hurt or injured, please seek veterinary care. Allowing an animal to suffer in pain (and dogs are known to hide their symptoms) serves no one. Yes, veterinary care can be expensive, and yes, sometimes we as pet parents don't want to hear our dogs are aging and showing signs of it. We owe it to our dogs to give back the unconditional love and dedication they provide to us.
Though these are not pleasant reminders to read, they are all too true. If a dog you know is being harmed, speak up, do something, and/or tell someone. A dog's life just might depend on it.

What will destroy a dog's spirit - link to story.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Caroline goes Downtown

Our fair city was the training field today as we strolled from one end to the other and back again. Stopping to take pictures along the way.

Caroline was excellent for me, she walked most of the way (off the main drag), dangling her training lead, she set off a few canine car alarms, but as it goes when the weather is nice and you live in a pet friendly place.

Caroline, like most dogs I know - really, really want to smell everything around them and take that smell in for as long as they can. Trying to get her to be still for photos was no small task, but she did respond fairly quickly and may even be starting to 'strike a pose'...

Giant Water Bug...

...has absolutely nothing to do with animal rescue - except that I made sure no harm came to it and everyone just left it alone. It did have to endure the big two legs with her black box click click clicking away. It is Water bug - of what exact subspecies I have no clue and other than confirming my guess of what this guy was I haven't bothered to do any more research - kinda tells me a lot just discovering him (or her). According to a blog I found and the person seemed to be pretty knowledgable so I'll accept what this person said - not usually what I do, but it isn't going to change the direction of the nearest river if I don't.

This species of bug hibernates through the winter in my location and well this guy probably just came out not too long ago - which could of been anywhere - including the Jeep hatch that it fell from. But more than likely it came from one of the nearby trees.

When I shut the Jeep hatch - it hit the ground and thrashed around like a fish out of water - which drew my attention to it in the first place. Got Georgia's attention too and it was almost a goner, but Georgia came off of prey (her idea of prey), when told to "leave it". She was a good girl and just laid down near to watch the odd little flip floppy thing. Told all three of the dogs to stand down the little bug while I ran and got my camera. Paca and Caroline were to busy wrestling to even know there was a bug, Georgia was intent but she wouldn't harm it - she was minding me.

When I returned with the camera Georgia soon lost interest, if I wasn't going to be trapping it then it wasn't going to try and escape so no chance of a chase, she moved onto something else while I took some really good photos.

I thought at one point that it looked very cock roach like, but its shell is hard and beetle like and besides I have only seen them odd middle rear legs on water bugs - and - nothing else. I believe this to be a juvenile Giant Water Bug.

(Lethocerus americanus)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday musings

The quick post that adds no fluff, yep that sounds like Saturday mornings at the rescue. Say what needs to be said and move along, chores need tending to and oh boy this place could really use some Spring Cleaning - BIG TIME!!!

Today is a big day here - the crew says "Goodbye" to Lil' Man today, rather bitter sweet to say the least. Lil' Man has been a member of this household for going on 8 years, he wasn't quite 3 when we met. A 11 yr old senior is hard to place in a home - most people want cute kittens or high energy young adults - thank goodness not everyone. If you could of seen the magic - the moment when he said "I like you" and she said "I like you too", to feel the enthusiasm of this union. Here is a unique individual who has witnessed felines getting loved on and loving back with humans and canines, which must of been foreign to him in his previous life (to an extent). He seems so eager to be petted, brushed, and just talked to. With so many it is hard to give more than just a few strokes and our conversations are quite the group event.

Well now he will have his own human all to himself, she won't have to divide any attention between other fur babies. Will be checking on him after a week and see how he likes being a only child, if he isn't craving fellow fur wearers this may be the perfect match. Time will tell, and him, Lil' Man will let it be known what he desires - he is who matters most in this - after all it is HIS life.

Seen our good friend and major supporter Dennis of Canines & Felines Marketplace yesterday and he loaded us up with goodies and loaned us a pet carrier for Lil' Man - because the only carrier we have made Lil' Man's butt look big. We are very appreciative of Dennis and highly recommend his store on Conagree Road in Greenville, SC, for all of your pet needs and trust us - if he doesn't have it - he will get it for you. Carries the very best of the best in pet nutrition!

Still collecting pallets for the fence and garden bed projects, have yet to purchase the reciprocating saw, looks like the pawn shops are going to be our best bet - but that will have to be next week - along with some Praziquantel for the tapeworm infestation not able to bring under control with DE alone.

Have orders for Organic Catnip plants and Organic CatGrass already growing so must get those going today as well as a few other projects - one of which is bathing Lil' Man, so let's put the ole laptop up and get to it already. Have A Great Saturday, tend to your chores and always, always hug your furry friends!

The red light gives away the flash and thus a chance to close ones eyes. Lil' Man

Lil' Man sleeping in his bed.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thors'-day Heroes of Our World

Starting with this entry on Thors' day (Thursday), we will highlight an outstanding member of our society.

The very first one is going to highlight a young man in Colorado - Comfrey Jacobs, his plight and heroics were brought to our attention via social media and for that - we thank you facebook and\or twitter.

Comfrey Jacobs is a name we hope rolls off the tongue of many good and honest people for the rest of his life. Good energy is what this young man is about and pray for him to keep that the rest of his days on this planet.

What he did for the Bison on March 6th of this year was also for all Americans of this country, for all Earthlings of this planet. This young man is very brave, this young man is very noble, this young man IS our National Treasure just as sure as the animals he was protecting.

Comfrey Jacobs did not come into this world under 'normal' circumstances, at least not what most Americans would consider normal. He was born in a bus, arriving shortly before his father returned with the midwife, Comfrey no doubt decided early on to take matters into his own hands. More information on Comfrey Jacobs

We honor Comfrey Jacobs as our first 'Guardian' for his valor, for his dedication, for his soul work in blockading a road to try and save the American Bison from slaughter: Comfrey is arrested! 

Charges set forth against this young man: Comfrey vs U.S. Government

Comfrey Biafra Jacobs
 We wish you the very best in life, he who was born under a Grand Cross configuration astrologically speaking. Bless you sir, bless you much <3

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fence Supplies - the cheap way.

Last week stopped by a local grading business and asked the guy in charge if he ever gives away the pallets seen stacked up and his reply was yes, could have all, if so desired. Music to a girl's ears I tell ya!

Finally on Sunday was able to get the Jeep cleaned up a bit (remove bags of rock salt, jack, 4-way and all my cleaning supplies), went over and picked out 5 nice pallets and some boards with bolts through them. There was room to put one more but  couldn't find a nice one close to the top and was already maxing out on energy output so had to stop.  According to everything researched on the two projects (pallet wise), if this wood is kept off the ground it will last 4 years, if it touches the ground - less. So - am thinking - always thinking - that if kept off the ground and add a couple of layers of paint that should secure it for at least 4 years - right... and really how much could one expect out of recycled pallets - 4 years - That Works!

5 good clean pallets for making fence and garden boxes.
Will be going over there every evening that is a possibility - only after the nicer ones because there is a choice and clean is preferred. Can see a use for the ugly ones too just not yet - oh my gosh - could so wipe out his pallet collection this year - no doubt.

As the keys of this old, beat up computer are pop popping away with a slight stick here and there, the kitties are eagerly waiting their turn in the one open window of the Doll House - so - so got to get busy and get them an outdoor enclosure too. So much to do, with so little resources (cash flow), but that isn't forever and already items are appearing on our doorstep.

Ordered a reciprocating saw, will be in later on this week - didn't go with the DeWalt, was $50.00 more for the name - so long as there is a warranty - its all good.

Need nails, long nails - spikes, some brushes, paint, and posts. Then after the building of the garden boxes the only items needed are some PVC piping, burlap, and own recipe of soil.

Already have ALL our NON-GMO, Heirloom, Organic seeds - went ahead and purchased them before they sold out!
(After our crop is up and growing - will be offering extra seeds for sale)

Have some really, really big plans in store for Gargoyles Animal Rescue - yep, yep!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lil' Man is packing his bags...

He found his human and he is ready to move in - he was ready to stay, was all like "nooooo" "don't pick me up, I'm home, leave me"!!! But sadly I had to pack him back into the sardine carrier until I could get him to the Jeep and the bigger dog crate set up for him.

It was up to him, I told him that, I told her that and that is how it went down. We visited for a while and retrieved Lil' Man from her box springs a couple of times until we closed the door and he checked out the rest of the place. He had to sniff energies - not so much of the dwelling but of the people. His new human is moving this week so it wasn't a visit for him to get adjusted to a new home - this was 100% to see how their energies were together. He was in the kitchen checking things out when I asked her how she felt, did she want to welcome Lil' Man into her world and when she replied "yes" he came around the counter and rubbed his face on her hand. She went almost immediately to his favorite spot and he melted - I was sold, this is a perfect match, it has my blessing - Lil' Man will be adopted this week. He will stay for one week and I will revisit him and see how he is doing, if all is well it will be complete.

Lil' Man will always have a home here with us - no matter what, we are his safety net in this world he can always count on us to stand up for him - if needed. I don't think that will be an issue for him.

A very good day for Lil' Man, now he has to get groomed this week, all fluffed up for his lady.

I told everyone when we got home and they have this week to say their goodbyes, he has some friends here and that is really my only worry - is that he will get lonely for feline companionship - but we will see - I'm not going to deny him an opportunity at happiness because of my hypothesis - it is after all - just a guess.

No Cowardly Lions Here!

Caroline the Lion

We have been having an issue with Caroline being very aggressive towards strangers and displaying tell tale signs that she would bite a child - absolutely not acceptable.

Can't chalk her behavior up to bad raising, she was rescued at 5 weeks and has been with us every since. True, our neighbors in Greenville, SC had two children that would tease her and cause her to bark and eventually 'go - after' them. When I caught sight of this-  it nearly blew the top of my head off, I had words with the kids and their parents - maybe not the best solution to the situation... still myself a 'work in progress'. It only made the children very sneaky in their meanness. The children liked our other two dogs but something went down that I'm not aware of and Caroline did not trust or like them.

Caroline is a brat, I know it, she is spoiled rotten and gets to go places and do things the other animals don't. All the animals in the house know that, including her. I don't know to what degree they understand us or each other, some of the crew seem to be fine with my judgement and don't balk a bit, some have serious issues with the 'C' dog getting to do so much.

They will just have to get over it, Caroline is a Service Dog in Training and has to be exposed to all kinds of stimuli - Especially - since she has already shown fear-aggression responses. My theory when addressing this type of situation is to go All Out crazy. I've done some really, really crazy things in order to correct a behavior issue in an animal. (saving those for the book) lol

For Caroline, I had noticed what I thought at first was true aggression - no fear, but I was wrong and it has everything to do with fear. She doesn't know, she doesn't understand, she gets scared and you just can't read that 'poker' face.

'Poker' face is not just the physical area of the face, it actually means the whole stance of the animal. Their tail, their leg placement, how are they carrying their head, their nose - what do they have their eyes focused on... it is the whole package. Caroline just doesn't read like known breeds do, which is why I still do believe in breeding by professionals who will actually contribute to the breed standards and NOT just make money. There is something (a lot), to be said about knowing what to expect when tailoring a working relationship between human and animal. Caroline is part Shepherd, that I have no doubt - but there is at least one other breed in her genetic makeup and I don't know what that is. Given the area she was rescued I would say most likely her other breed is Pit, but I'm not 100% convinced and if I had the extra funds I sure would have her tested - I believe it would be easier for me to determine her best training regimen by knowing her ancestry.

My *strongest experience is with GSDs, Dobies, Rottweilers, and most recently JRTs and Bulldog\Boxers. There is something completely different in Caroline than any of those breeds and the Bulldog\Boxer mix has very 'Pit' attitude because if you look back into they're heritage(s) they are one and the same. (The Bullenbeisser, an extinct breed was the originator to the Pit and the Boxer Wikipedia information).

No, we have something completely different and new to me, my hypothesis is:
1).  Akita
2).  Shar Pei 
3).  Husky
4).  very slim chance of being some type of hound.

To say "Terrier" is too wide based and she does possess a terrier type attitude.

Whatever her heritage I have to 'get on' with her training and ensure she doesn't bite a child (#1 priority), or any other creature. She has to be a model citizen for her up coming job, she has to be a shining example for All Service Dogs because I say so. She will be accompanying me everywhere I go one day, she will be put into situations that could be very dangerous for herself and others - she will have to think - she will have to respond - she must be correct in her actions - That is MY job!

So I'm taking a cue from Hollywood and The Wizard of Oz, Caroline was gifted a 'mane' that fits her to a T from a very theatrical presences and I just went with the whole 

'Cowardly Lion Gets Her Courage On'!

She loves to do these 'role playing' themes we engage in and for this instance it seems to be working. The girls from next door were out and about the yard yesterday while I had the girls out for some play time. Caroline's whole posture when she seen the girls changed (from previous encounters), - she had her ears up and her tail relaxed (not tucked or pointed down or up). Even her shoulders didn't tense up - so I call that a win and she continues to wear her 'mane' so long as she is with me. (In the other room Paca was trying to eat her 'mane').

*strongest - as 'raised in home'.

Couldn't of made a better match to her coat.

she gets a little nervous - stage fright - we are working on that too

Such a noble beast.

Setting her gaze across the savannah...


See that crease down the forehead - I look for that in a dog - I call it a working brain.

nope not submission - exhaustion - so hard being a model.

That's my happy friend, Caroline the Lion!

When told to stay in our yard after her first real good experience with the children next door - didn't capture that digitally - oh well - had to supervise the situation - more important!

Yawning is a sign of uncomfortable situations for a dog. When I see this I change the energy around. This is usually where I get silly.

See the difference a stupid face and funny sound can do...

Monday, March 3, 2014

When your pets have... er... critters...

While working on pictures in the Corel one of the kitties - Adorable, jumped up on my desk and proceeded to roll around to get my attention - more than likely for treats, or food. Well while he was flipped over I seen a well known and despised critter crawling around his private parts. Grabbed a napkin and removed it from him, identified the critter as a tapeworm and a rather healthy looking one - sigh - the animals here are fed so well that parasites often live in the lap of luxury as well.

Now a couple of things just fell into place - Texas screaming for food, as well as the throwing up from many members of the rescue - trying to keep up with everyone gets difficult, no extra funds makes times like this a huge nightmare.

Tapeworms are nasty creatures that take nourishment away from your furry friends - why in the hell people would opt to have one inside of them baffles me - really!!! Just so you can eat anything and everything you want - if that isn't a sure as hell sign that you have some mental problems and issues with wastefulness - I just don't know!

Not an expert on Tapeworms by any means but know enough about them to suit up for war when they make their presence known.

The tapeworm lives in stages and can be combated at any one of these stages, and can enter your pet at most anywhere - so there really isn't too much you can do to prevent them but here are some good measures to employee:

  • Keep fleas away from your pet. Hardly an easy task, but one that must be addressed constantly - especially in warmer climates where fleas don't have an outdoor 'kill' season.
  • Keep fleas off of your property, out of your home, and not a one in your vehicle.
  • Don't let your pet around other animal's waste.
  • Be selective in your pet's encounters with other animals and non-home environments.

Basically and I can't emphasis this enough - Fleas are your culprit - keep them blood sucking creeps away and you have most of your battle licked. (pun)

There are Rx available for keeping away fleas and we employee them here on the dogs, way too expensive to treat all the cats and one cat - Lil' Man has severe allergic reactions to the chemical in these products - so very hesitant on putting him through that.

Last year I purchased a large quantity of Diatomaceous Earth and still have most of it, just recently transferred the remainder into totes as the bag had a bad smoke smell from the fire and it (the bag), had to go.

Diatomaceous Earth is a natural ORGANIC means of parasite control, that when administered properly is an effective and safe means to internal worms (excluding heartworms), and exterior pests.

Have to admit that I have failed to get the animals back into a regular dosing of the Diatomaceous Earth since the beginning of the whole moving (2 houses and maybe counting), adventure. So like about 6 months... so have to get everything back on a schedule.

As soon as the worm was discovered a plan was put into motion. This is how it started and continuing as this is being typed.

Withhold all food for as long as I can get away with, the cats - especially those who are affected by the worms more so than others (Texas), will get real mean and actually start hurting the other cats when the tapeworm tells him it is hungry.

(side note here - when we lived in Greenville, SC - not long after moving from Houston, TX - Our Texas was almost exclusively an outside cat - he was feral when I put him in a cage and drove 1000 miles to our new home - and he had tapeworms - I had seen them, but also his behavior was aggressive - I witnessed this cat drunk on tapeworm appetite attack, kill, and completely devour an adult squirrel - Texas was still a juvenile at the time. For me it always spoke what the chemical make-up of the parasite can do to it's host)

So not able to withhold food for too long but they need to be hungry - real hungry to get them to take the medicine - the Diatomaceous Earth.

When my experience tells me I've pushed it just about as far as I can - to the feeding station I go - with cats jumping here and there - you would think they were part of the flying circus - as you catch a glimpse of furry tail gliding through the air from one flat surface to another - vertically. At this stage of frenzy the dogs stand a good distance back - they know all too well that the cats will slice and dice anything they view as a threat to them being fed. In a large bowl I add one 3.5 ounce can of wet cat food - the wetter - the better - the stinkier - the best! To that I add apx 1\4 cup of Diatomaceous Earth and mix throughly, then I add another 3.5 ounce can to the bowl and stir this well, depending on what I have in my cupboards... this time it was a shot of Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil - not much - just enough to make it oily (slightly oily). I prefer Hemp Oil - one of the single best ingredients to have in your home - for all kinds of uses - which is exactly why I am out - I use it for cooking, for the pets, for health and beauty aids... Mineral oil is another good additive, but it is from crude oil - out of the ground - which in this form isn't harmful to humans or animals but it isn't a renewable source so therefore I frown upon such uses - Hemp - renewable!

This formula makes up a batch that allows me to give the cats one Tablespoon each, when everyone is smacking away I give the bigger cats and\or known infected cats just a bit more. Everybody is so hungry they don't balk at the gritty texture of the Diatomaceous Earth in their food. The bowls are licked clean. 

The above feeding will take place many times over the next few days. Small amounts heavily mixed with Diatomaceous Earth. When I see a break in their behaviors, that will start the taper down of my regimen and then we will get on a schedule for administering the DE on a regular basis.

Even though it was on a cat that I seen the worm - every animal in this rescue will be treated, every square inch of this dwelling will be treated, a good portion of the main walk ways of the yard will be treated.

Diatomaceous Earth will kill without mercy, it doesn't care if the insect is friendly or not - so it is my responsibility to make sure I am careful when applying this around my home\ rescue.

Diatomaceous Earth kills two ways:

It is a natural silica property that slices and dices everything that it comes into contact with - why caution must be used - for self too - do not breath this stuff into your lungs, do not apply haphazardly onto your animals. (I wear protective apparel when administering, utilizing extreme caution around pet's nose, mouth, and eyes).

It dries up mucous membranes and basically dehydrates it's victims to death - think of the flea or tapeworm (or anything of like substance), being mortally wounded in battle - then this fog rolls over and removes all moisture from them - it is like "Wham", "Bam"!!

Just for the sake of knowing I checked the current prices on the only drug I have found available to me that combats the nasty arse tapeworm and for dogs you get 5 tablets per bottle and the cheapest I found was $26.89 per bottle - it would take 10 tablets to treat the canines here and that is 2 bottles = $53.78, the cats can't take the same strength - so their bottle houses 3 tablets and cost $12.45. It would take 3 bottles to treat all the cats = $37.35 for a whopping grand total of $91.13 (plus shipping).

That $91.13 is a good average price to rid ourselves of tapeworms every time they invade us, which can happen many times a year. The purchase of Diatomaceous Earth has already paid for itself twice so far and now we are working on it paying for itself a few more times - now that is what successful means to me. These nasty parasitic pests are something you can't get away from without a lot of money and harmful chemicals - OR you can employee Natural remedies that pay for themselves time and time again.

Normally I have Diatomaceous Earth available for sale from our website and after I get a handle on the issue here at the rescue will offer again.