First I will explain what this title means:
(according to: wikipedia )
emotional support animal (ESA) is a US legal term for a pet
which provides therapeutic benefit to its owner through companionship
and affection. Emotional support animals are not specially trained to
ameliorate disability as
psychiatric service dogs
are. They require only as much training as an ordinary pet requires in
order to live peacefully among humans without being a nuisance or a
danger to others.
In the U.S., two federal laws grant special rights to some owners of emotional support animals.
The 2 laws that grant these special rights are:
Fair Housing Act
Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988
(42 USC 3601, et seq.) establishes a procedure for modifying "no pets"
policies in most types of housing to permit a person with a disability
to keep an animal for emotional support
In housing that allows pets but charges supplemental rent or deposits
for them, these fees must be waived. The ESA's owner can be charged for
actual damage done by the animal, but they may not require the applicant
to pay a fee or a security deposit in order to keep the animal.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity investigates complaints from the public alleging denials of
reasonable accommodation requests to live with assistance animals.
Air Carrier Access Act
Air Carrier Access Act
establishes a procedure for modifying pet policies on aircraft to
permit a person with a disability to travel with a prescribed emotional
support animal so long as they have appropriate documentation and the
animal is not a danger to others and does not interfere with others
(through unwanted attention, barking, inappropriate toileting, etc.)
Now, at this point let me state that I am not a disabled person, my claims are pending, they will be granted and my animals will be certified as Service & ES Animals. As a trainer I am qualified to train Service Dogs and therefore can apply and be granted the same access as a legally declared disabled person - in regards to taking this animal anywhere I would eventually go once disabled - for training purposes. Emotional Support Animals need no more training than a pet except in crowded social settings and thus for falls under the above clause.
Phoebe Peppercorn has been registered as my Emotional Support Animal and thus can travel anywhere I go as my assistance animal, she can not be denied access, she can't be charged any additional fees. This truly does open life up for me.
This accomplishment is on a personal and professional level, not so much that I am a professional animal trainer because I don't take money for what I do and I only train my own charges but because it means that my passion has raised me up to a level of professionalism... just without the dough...
On a personal level this would enable to me to go visit family and not have to borrow money to get my cat home. (so thankful- know that)
Phoebe in training harness, she was started at a very young age to walk on leash and to be harnessed. |
Phoebe Peppercorn born on the 4th of July She is what you could call my 'Liberty' kitty! |
One would think that I should go into training animals for money but naw, it will all work out - trying real hard to take the monetary value off of animals and that would just go against what I believe in so - not selling my values short to make anything easier. Not everything easy is the best for us and there is sweet rewards for the job well done the old fashion way - with integrity and personal sacrifice. Oh and tears - almost forgot the tears. (how could one forget the tears)
With my animals at my side I do believe I can take on anything - I believe - just don't throw it all at once!