It didn't happen on purpose, but it goes along with my own philosophy on any creature that has the brain capacity to think, to reason. A working dog is a happy dog, a working human is usually a happy human. Since moving to our sanctuary Paca has taken on a whole new demeanor about herself. She tends to stand alone and peer into every direction she can, she smells the air. As the tendrils of aroma waft over her keen senses you can see her brain working through those magnificent eyes, she is dissecting each smell categorizing as either friend or foe. She is a guardian, to that fact there is no doubt, she would lay the law down upon any who dared upon this sacred land she calls home with the rest of us.
I remember back to a contractor working the duplex next door to us in Greenville, he said "one day that dog will show you she would lay her life down for you and your family".
He was right, she would, I have no doubt. Let's hope that never comes to pass, let's hope no one is foolish enough to walk a foul here.
Paca is still up for adoption, because it is only fair to her to leave her options open. As far as the placement of Paca - she always has a home here, she always has, always will - this is her home. I love her, Art adores her, Caroline doesn't know of a life without her and Georgia, well Georgia tolerates the big galoof who takes way too much daddy time away from senior canine herself.
If the right home comes a asking we will entertain the offer, Paca will be given the choice, for it is her life, not ours that would be moving on. She may not be ready yet, her charge may not be ready yet - who knows - not I and don't even pretend to know. She's here, she's safe, she's loved, and she seems to be happy with her new position as sentry and guardian.